Sweet Peas Learning Center offers care for school age children before school, after school, school holidays, and summer break. For before and after care, a school bus from Dade County School system picks up and drops off our enrolled students. Our spacious 1800 square foot room is licensed for 44 children and 2 staff members. Our school age class enjoys Bible lessons on a daily basis throughout the year. We teach Bible doctrines and welcome any questions about our Bible lessons from our children and parents. Daily Bible lessons are taught by Mr. Chad Hartline and Ms. Jennifer Morgan.
We do allow for homework to be completed in the after-care program. However, we purposely do not focus on this for a few reasons: 1) The primary focus of our aftercare program is the Bible Lessons, 2) children need the down time to play and socialize with peers in a free-play setting and 3) one of the purposes for homework is for the family to be more connected with what is going on in the child’s classroom. We do, however, provide support academically through tutoring for children who are in need of extra help with classroom material.
The teaching arrangement in the school age classroom is a Co-teaching arrangement with Mr. Chad and Mrs. Shannon Ricker. Mrs. Shannon Ricker has been with SPLC for 7 years and graduated in 2020 from UTC with her Bachelors in Elementary Education. She also holds current CPR/First Aid certification. She has been married for 13 years and has three children.