Our two year old classroom includes children that are at least 2 years of age. Our classroom has 20 children and three staff members.
Our toddler curriculum at Sweet Peas Learning Center is specifically designed to provide the children with a safe, nurturing environment that is physically and cognitively stimulating. We offer a spacious room that allows the toddlers to explore their developing skills and abilities. Being that every young child has different interests and abilities our toddler program incorporates various teaching methods to integrate our curriculum with any observed windows of opportunity. We use various oral and visual communication methods to implement classroom rules as the students listening and speaking skills develop at different levels. Guided play is used to encourage social interactions as well as help children on an individual basis to work through challenging circumstances. Monitored free-play is very important for this age group as the children learn through interactions with their peers and their teachers as well. The two year old classroom is set up to help children with skills such as sharing/turn-taking with peers, learning socially appropriate behaviors; gaining personal confidence and independence as well as problem solving and self help skills. Potty training is introduced in this classroom and teachers will communicate when the child is ready with the parents on how to start this process.
The lead teacher for the two year old classroom is Ms. Megan Crabtree
Ms. Megan completed her B.S. in Early Childhood education in 2019 and has been with SPLC for 1 year. She is married and a mom to two little boys.