Our tuition rates are stated below. These rates are all full time rates. We do not offer any part time or daily drop in rates. Tuition is due every week regardless of how many days the child attends for that week. Each family receives one free vacation week per calendar year but the director must be notified 30 days in advance in writing before this vacation week is needed. Every child must be dropped off by 10:00am every day. Exceptions for this are limited to doctor/dentist visits and the director must be notified the day before the appointment.
Effective June 5th, 2023 the prices are as followed:
1st Child
Additional Children
****Tuition will only be changed if the center is closed for more than 2 days in a week. Situations where this may occur are long holiday weeks, weather closures, or closures due to COVID-19****
An annual $50 registration fee is charged upon enrollment and every May after enrollment. This fee helps pay for technology used in the classroom and replaces our non-reusable supplies.
SPLC is closed the following days: